"It reflects your ethics," says Sheryl Spanier, an executive career management consultant in New York. 纽约职业管理执行顾问谢乐尔•斯巴涅尔说:“这反映了你的道德水平”。
If you are a management consultant at Joe's Web Designs you should actively pursue people interested in having web designs made. 如果你是乔的设计网的管理顾问,你应该积极寻求对网页设计感兴趣的人。
Internships arent about busywork anymore, says management consultant and executive coach Marc Dorio. 实习生不再做可有可无的事,管理顾问和行政人员教练MarcDorio说。
She works as a management consultant for a design company. 她在一家设计公司做管理顾问。
Mr Ravenscroft believes he would have had a narrower perspective if he had become a management consultant. 雷文斯克罗夫特认为,如果他成为一名管理顾问,他的视野可能会相对狭窄。
Most of the leaders with whom I work as a management consultant are a level-headed lot. 作为一位管理咨询顾问,我接触过的大多数领导者都非常清醒。
Simon Chen is a professional Enterprise drillmaster and Enterprise development consultant and HR Consultant in several Enterprise Management Consultant Company. 陈老师:现在几家管理顾问公司任专业培训师、企业发展顾问、人力资源顾问。
It is as if he cannot decide whether he is Isaiah or a management consultant. 看起来,他好像根本无法决定自己想要做预言家以赛亚还是管理顾问。
They also brought in senior Coverdale management consultant keith Edmonds to work on the team's managerial skills and improve communication within the team. 除了聘请海外经理,卡森公司还从著名的科佛戴尔公司聘请了资深管理顾问凯恩·埃德蒙来指导团队的管理技能,改进团队的内部交流。
Roman Pichler works as a management consultant specialized in Lean Thinking and Scrum. RomanPichler,管理顾问,精益思想和Scrum专家。
Ian: I'm a senior disposable waste management consultant. 伊恩:我是用后即弃废物的资深管理顾问。
But even a management consultant can demystify China. 但即使是一位管理咨询师,也能剥下中国神秘的外衣。
They are eschewing the 80-hour working week of the investment banker or management consultant for more time with their families and more socially rewarding jobs in not-for-profit companies or government. 他们正远离投资银行家或管理咨询顾问每周工作80小时的习惯,花更多时间与家人共度,在非赢利企业或政府从事更有益于社会的工作。
Excellence Management Consultant is the first batch of Hong Kong based consulting company operating in mainland China. 英锡伦管理顾问有限公司是首批在中国内地发展的香港管理顾问机构。
It's not simply a coincidence that visiting the new London headquarters of global management consultant Deloitte Consulting is like checking into five-star boutique accommodation. 这不是简单的巧合,访问全球管理顾问公司德勤咨询新的伦敦总部就像是到五星级精品宾馆检查住宿。
They may sometimes doubt themselves, but they don't show it, says management consultant Paula Bern. 他们有时可能也会怀疑自己,但他们并不显露出来,管理顾问葆拉・伯恩说。
Management consultant types would call this a win-win, and economists a market-based solution. 管理咨询之类的公司会把这称为双赢,经济学家会把这称为基于市场的解决方案。
She set up in business as a management consultant. 她作为一名管理顾问建立了自己的公司。
She is today more likely to be a music graduate trained on the job, with two children and a husband working as a management consultant. 如今的她更有可能是一位接受了银行工作培训的音乐学院毕业生,有两个孩子,丈夫是一位管理咨询顾问。
Wu chairs many high-level research projects, and he is in charge of management consultant for many companies. 主持国家级科研项目多项,并担任多家公司的管理咨询顾问。
He makes a good living as a management consultant. 他作为一名管理方面的顾问,过着富裕的生活。
In "Make Your Mission Possible" Johanna Rothman, Management Consultant, suggests that the lack of a mission statement is making it difficult for your team to say no. 管理咨询师JohannaRothman在“让你的任务更务实(MakeYourMissionPossible)”一文中指出,缺少任务宣言将使你的团队很难拒绝不合理的要求。
He has imported this concept, complete with a Japanese management consultant, to United Technologies 'factories. 他引进并与一个日本管理顾问一起完善这一概念,然后用在联合技术公司的车间管理上。
A degree can launch a career as a management consultant, accountant, commercial banker, or personnel manager. 就业方向有管理顾问、会计、商业银行家或者人际关系经理。
As a management consultant, Richard has coached and mentored clients on the adoption and implementation of Agile and Scrum. 作为管理咨询师,Richard指导和培训客户采用并实施敏捷方法和Scrum。
But before we all rush out to hire a management consultant, two notes of caution. 但在所有企业都争着去聘用一家管理咨询公司之前,有两点需要注意。
So "you must take charge," suggests Lee Colby, a management consultant. 所以“你必须担负起责任来,”管理顾问李·科尔比建议。
The first National Certified Management Consultant Training organization in Beijing approved by China Enterprise Confederation and the Ministry of Personnel. 企联和国家人事部批准的北京首家国家注册管理咨询师培训机构。
Financial Management Consultant's Development Analysis of Investment Bank after the Financial Crisis 金融危机后券商的理财顾问业务发展分析
But it was a diagnosis of breast cancer that gave her the "psychological impetus" to become a management consultant. 但一纸乳腺癌诊断书为她带来了改行作管理顾问的“心理动力”。